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Wednesday 28 November 2012


Ex-IGP accuses Hisham of meddling with PDRM

Musa was obedient hoping his contract would be extended. When his contract was not extended he became a sour grape. Contrary to his claim as being the best IGP he mess up the police force by sidelining those who were vocal and not his yes men. To fix up those whom he deemed could jeopardize his collaboration with the underworld dirty means were used to the extend of securing the assistance of his associates in other agencies particularly the AG and MACC. So Musa it's better you shut up.


Ex-IGP Musa withdraws suit against Anwar

The information said that Ex-IGP received not less than 50m from PR to withdraws suit againts ANWAR and offer to become MP PR for next GE13 but how about Dato Ramly, sure crash.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

PKR & Geng 36 (GT6)

Teman difahamkan Geng 36 atau GT6 mendominasi kepimpinan PKR tanpa disedari oleh DSAI. Ahli geng yang dikatakan  berpangkalan di kawasan Damansara Damai telah menguasai pucuk pimpinan Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

Maklumat ini tersebar luas di kalangan PKR apabilan upacara pengkebumian ahli GT6 baru-baru ini berlangsung dengan penuh adat GT6 dan dihadiri oleh pemimpin PKR dan pada masa sama juga mempunyai jawatan tinggi dalam GT6.

Ada juga teman dengar aktiviti  kumpulan ini menyokong dan menjadi sumber kewangan kepada aktiviti pemimpin-pemimpin PKR dalam politik. Bermaksud hasil aktiviti haram seperti pengedaran dadah, hasil pemeresan dan pergaduhan disalurkan kepada pemimpin ini untuk menampung aktiviti politik dan rasuah mereka untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan terhadap PKR.

Ahli-ahli GT6 dikatakan menggunakan pengaruh dan ugutan supaya ahli-ahli mereka mendapat jawatan tinggi dalam kepimpinan PKR. Perkara ini tidak disedari oleh DSAI sehingga peristiwa GT6 ini diburu oleh polis baru-baru ini.

Lambang Kumpulan Geng 36 atau GT6
 Pemimpin Geng 36 juga Pemimpin PKR
 Istiadat Mengarak bermotosikal GT6
 Bendera Geng GT6 (G36)
Kedai GT6
Bendera Lambang G36

 Antara Ahli Kumpulan G36

Teman juga amat bersedi atas kejadian ini, apakan daya kita merancang tuhan yang maha esa  yang menentukan.

Apa yang penting kita yang masing tinggal harus berbuat baik dan berbaik-baik sesama manusia.

Apa yang paling penting di atas kejadian ini kita harus jangan menggunakan politik untuk merai simpati, kita sama-sama berdoa.


  1. dinesh-could-have-been-my- son?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter 


    Saspek yang ditembak polis ini ada keberangkalian anak kepada penulis iaitu MAY CHEE CHOOK YING. Penulis simpati dengan kejadian ini, walau bagaimanapun jika kumpulan ini tidak mengganas seperti kumpulan gangster sudah tentu kejadian tembakan ini tidak terjadi.

    Baru-baru ini Penulis difahamkan polis berjaya mematahkan kegiatan kumpulan yang mengelar diri mereka sebagai Geng 36 dan Geng 08, aktiviti kawasan Ampang merupakan tapak jajahan mereka dengan kegiatan pengedaran dadah, pemeresan dan pergaduhan merebut kawasan menjadi punca pendapatan mereka.

    Jika kita imbas kembali tahun 60an, 70an dan 80an, jenayah index Malaysia kurang. Kebarangkalian besar zaman itu merupakan zaman komunis dan pihak polis menggunakan kekerasan melawan penjenayah yang mana masyarakat gembira kerana kawasan kejiranan mereka selamat dan ramai penjenayah atau gengster ditangkap di bawah ISA. Rakyat bersetuju dengan tindakan polis kerana ketika zaman itu golongan masyarakat mempunyai pengalaman yang perit mengharungi kehidupan.

    Masyarakat negara kita kini berubah. Mereka tidak kenal seseorang itu penjenayah atau orang baik. Saya percaya tindakan polis mengambil keputuasan melepaskan tembak penjenayah adalah tindakan wajar dan patut dipuji. Polis terlebih dahulu diserang dengan parang dan senjata tajam. Ini mengambarkan kumpulan 36 atau 08 ini tidak peduli dengan undang-undang. Maka wajarlah mereka dihukum.

    Penulis berpendapat dan mengsyorkan supaya semua penjenayah di Malaysia perlu dihukum. Melalui proses undang-undang, sudah tentu bukti yang ada kurang tetapi fakta bahawa mereka adalah penjenayah, lebih-lebih lagi kejadian tembak Danish ini ternyata betul. Malangnya masyarakat terutama NGO atau mereka yang bersekongkol dengan penjenayah membantu penjenayah melepaskan diri seperti peguam antara lainya Latifah Koyak.

    Mungkinkah mereka ini juga terlibat dalam jenayah tak nampak....?

    Tindakan yang amat berkesan memerangi jenayah di Malaysia ialah hukuman tembak. Sah sahaja mereka terlibat dengan jenayah index, polis patut dan perlu tembak supaya masyarakat yang tidak berdosa tidak menjadi mangsa jenayah. Jika ini diamalkan, necaya..index crime yang sebilangan orang pertikaikan menjadi zero (0%).

    Nah...apa lagi polis, ambil tindakan drastiklah, tak perlu berhemah dengan penjenayah atau mereka yang berskodeng dengan penjenayah juga perlu diambil tindakan.

    Pelik tapi benar ....rakyat Malaysia ini. Penjenayah mati ditembak polis, banyak bising sanggup beri sedekah tapi tin kosong. Kalau ada mati sebab lebih makan, penyakit atau bencena tak pula bising, hulur bantuan sedekah pun tak mau.

    Bolehlah penulis katakan orang ini pelik, jadi kalau ada kejadian pelik jangan jadi pelik.

    Kita lihat Negara China, semua penjenayah ditembak mati, tiadalah jenayah index, rakyat tak bising malah gembira sebab mereka selamat dari gangguan hantu-hantu ini. Kalau boleh kita ikut macam China.

    Kalau boleh Malaysiakini buat undian online : Patutkah penjenayah index dihukum tembak - Ya atau Tidak.

    Jawapan tentu 80% memihak kepada YA dan 20% memilih TIDAK.

    Analisa boleh dibuat di mana 20% adalah penjenayah atau berskodeng dengan jenayah.

Gilanya Mahfuz Omar....

Cuba u all baca link ni...Giler tul lah Mahfuz Omar. Ni jenis macam Mahfuz ni, nanti dah mati nanti silap haribulan dia salahkan Malaikat Mungkar Nakir

Monday 16 July 2012

Crime is rising, police are corrupt & inefficient: NOW, WHO'S TO BLAME?

    This linked article is the nonsense talk about PDRM. What the hell this writer is talking about. I do not think that the blame has to put to the PDRM all the time. There are certain people who are not satisfied with their fate, and live, They only love to blame others. The attitude comes from Syaitan. There are no feel " Bersyukur dengan apa yang ada".

      Nowadays, we can see and feel that Malaysian live in very peaceful and harmony in multiple religions and races. Is there any others countries that we can compare to? If there are, then we compare the crime rates of them. Luckily, Malaysia is in a safe environment among of them. Why ??? There are so much reasons why we stay live in peaceful. One of the reasons is the PDRM do better works to combat criminals. In most of the cases, especially the interested cases, PDRM very fast and success to solve the case. Criminals get caught in very few times, and goes for judgement. So, why we are so blaming the PDRM everytime, everyplace. We can ask ourselves. Is it because we are so angry to the traffic's Police who gave us a traffic summons. Because for these eager, we are not satisfied and try to kick Police ball when we can ? These attitude are so shame in nowadays.

     The police are very close to the public. When there are case like robbery and snatch theft, the police need public to become witness in the case. Nowadays, there are seldom people brave to come forward to become witness. The bad reasons are they do not want their time to corporate with police and courts, they have their routine works to do. Most people become more selfish than before. When the police come to the witness, they try to hide and do not want to involve. So, how can the police want to proceed the case to courts ?. When the index crime goes high they put the blame to the police.

       We need to change our perception to the police. Public have to become friends to the police. Not to avoid from them which happened the most now. We are still live in a peaceful and harmony country. Please strength it now and more in the future. God Bless Malaysians !!!

Friday 6 July 2012


  1. JULIAN ASSANGE (FOUNDER WIKILEAKS) - he channeled his hacking habit into a crusade revealing classified documents on government corruption-and even Saraho Palin's emails
  2. WAEL GHONIM (INTERNET ACTIVIST) - the ex google marketing chief in the Middle East launched the Facebook page heard round the world. In 2010,it jumpstarted the Tahrir Square demonstration, which led to President Mubarak's outster. 
  3. JAKE DAVIS (Hacktivist) - The scottish teen collaborated with Anonymous to reveal corruption and racism among Arizona cops. He was arrested in 2011 on suspicious of hacking News Corp. and Sonycomputers.
  4. CHOAS COMPUTER CLUB (HACKER COLLECTIVE)- The group promotes digital privacy and free speech and cracked the source code for a virus used by German government to spy on citizens

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Nizar Guna Duit Rakyat Beli No Plat Kereta !!! Bayar balik kepada kami woit !!!

Kepada yang sudah lupa... masihkah anda ingat bahawa Kerajaan Perak sewaktu pimpinan Nizar ada membeli 16 buah kenderaan Camry???

Masihkah anda ingat no. plat ini???

AGS10, AFD11, AFD22, AFD33, AFD55, AFD66, AFD77, AFD88, AFD99, AFD333, AFD999, AFF33, AFF88, AFF99, AGS828 danAEU606 
itu semuanya didaftarkan pada 9 Januari 2009...

Yang ni nizar pakai duit poket dia atau duit rakyat???...

Cermin dulu sebelum mengata DYMM Sultan Johor... 
cerita Sultan Johor sound Nizar

Saturday 5 May 2012

Bersih - in anticipation of impending defeat - in anticipation of impending defeat

Sunday, May 6, 2012
  • Bersih mob
Dr Mahathir Mohamad says the Bersih 3.0 rally was just a preview of what the opposition could do if they fail to take Putrajaya in the 13th General Election.
KUALA LUMPUR: Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad says the escalated violence of the most recent Bersih rally was an indication that the opposition is anticipating a major loss in the upcoming General Election, and more demonstrations and more violence can be expected.

Saying the opposition would resort to anything so that it can to seize power, Dr Mahathir said:“Malaysian elections have been more clean than those in the authoritarian countries where results have always been obviously fixed."

He added that  opposition parties have always won a respectable number of seats in elections at both State and Federal levels, unlike countries where elections are rigged.

“In fact whole states may be lost to the opposition,” he said. “And no matter how the Government party tried, it just could not wrest Kelantan from the opposition.”

Barisan Nasional governments have faced losses at both levels over the years, he said, adding that those losses do not follow any consistent pattern that would indicate the results of those elections had been manipulated.

“Compare this with the advanced democracies and it would be very clear that the results are quite similar to them,” he said. “The margins are never extreme one way or another.”

“So why the demonstrations and the demands for the elections to be clean and fair? Well, should the opposition lose in the States or at the Federal levels, then one can safely assume that the opposition will claim that the Government had not conducted the elections fairly, that the Government cheated,” he said.

Dr Mahathir said subsequent demonstrations would be “perhaps bigger and more violent” and that the opposition would demand fresh elections in an attempt to discredit and ultimately bring down a democratically-elected government.

“Seeing how repeated anti-Government demonstrations have brought down Governments in the Arab countries, (Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat) Nik Aziz of PAS now declares that over-throwing the Government through demonstration is ‘halal’,” Dr Mahathir said.

“Obviously PAS is already contemplating Bersih-type violent demonstrations as a way of seizing power if it loses the 13th General Elections.  The country will then suffer from violent demonstrations frequently.  This will affect business and growth.  Already Nik Aziz (who is PAS spiritual leader) considers the present Government as oppressive and dictatorial and it is right to overthrow it,” he said.

The former Prime Minister said such demonstrations would bring unwanted attention from not only Western media but also foreign governments and the various NGOs that promote their policies around the world.

“The support of foreign Governments and NGOs would come in as we see in the Arab countries.  Their agenda would be different but they would see opportunities for pushing their regime change, for putting their candidate in power as Prime Minister,” he said.

“This possibility is not far-fetched,” he continued.  “The average Malaysian always thinks what happens in other countries will not happen here.  But the Bersih 3 demonstration shows it can happen here.”

 “We know that almost every demonstration in Malaysia has been organised by Anwar (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim - opposition leader). Now he is teaming up with Nik Aziz.  Both see much to be gained by seizing power through unconstitutional means,” he said.

“And when they are in power we can kiss goodbye to peace, stability and economic growth in this beloved country,” he added.

Read more at CHE DET.

Tunku Abdul Aziz : Look Into The Mirror Before Blaming Others

Bersih told to look into the mirror before blaming others

Sunday, May 6, 2012
  • Tunku Aziz Bersih
Bersih 3.0 organiser should not blame the police solely: Tunku Abdul Aziz
KUALA LUMPUR: Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim who said the Bersih 3.0 organisers "are not a group of angels descended from heaven who are completely blameless", chastised them for allowing politicians to hijack the rally ended in violence last Saturday.

In strongly worded criticisms, the DAP vice chairman said the Bersih organisers should look at themselves first before being so quick to blame the police for last Saturday's violence.

Tunku Abdul Aziz also took the Bersih 3.0 organisers to task for not accepting the fact that any rallies would always end up in violence.

Speaking to The Mole Tunku Abdul Aziz said: “The Bersih organisers should take a look at themselves over what had happened and accept that there are substantial elements within the rally from people whose intentions were to create havoc and cause chaos as long as it is possible.”

“Instead of shifting all the blame on the police, they need to realise that they are at fault too. Besides, they are not a group of angels descended from heaven who are completely blameless,” he added.

The only Malay leader holding a senior position in the DAP, Tunku Abdul Aziz also said: “Bersih leader must answer to this question - who allowed the rally to be hijacked by people with a political agenda?”

“I am not denying that there were people who participated in Bersih 3.0 that were genuinely asking for electoral reforms and expecting a peaceful rally. But as evident, there were people who thought differently.”

“Bersih 3.0 has lost control of their own agenda because their agenda was hijacked.”

Tunku Abdul Aziz also found it was totally absurd and unfair for Bersih leaders and politicians to solely blame the police for the violence that took place among protesters and the police.

He said: “Bersih leader should have realised that this is how it (Bersih 3.0) was going to end.”

“But since it has ended in violence, it is always the police who will be blamed for acting against unruly mob.”

Tunku Abdul Aziz broke his rank with Pakatan Rakyat and DAP leadership for his remarksagainst Bersih on Dewan Negara last week, saying the rally would only pave way for people to break the law.

The Penang senator whose decision to join DAP in 2008 was lauded by many DAP leader including its national publicity secretary Tony Pua, who once wrote getting Tunku Abdul Aziz, whom many regard as a towering Malaysian in the party as a big catch.

However due to his remarks aganist the rally, Tunku Abdul Aziz was called anembarrassment to the DAP by the party’s secretary general Lim Guan Eng.

The Mole reported on Tuesday that DAP had no plan for any disciplinary action against Tunku Abdul Aziz.

Tunku Abdul Aziz who is a former vice chairman for Transparency International (Malaysia) also said he was not surprised with the alleged cases of police brutality.

“Police-bashing is a feature in almost all of demonstrations all over the world. I must say I was not particularly surprised to learn that it happened. After all, they (policemen) are human beings too.”

Not giving any excuse for police alleged brutality, Tunku Abdul Aziz however added, “the issue of police brutality will be highlighted by some people just to put the authorities in a bad light.”

“Never mind the fact that the police have worked since the night and before and showed complete restraint until the barricade was broken.”

“What’s more important to some is to show how bad the authority is.”